If you are serious about your gambling journey and want to learn from the best to manage your money and find the right opportunities, you can start listening to podcasts from the experts in the industry. Podcasts are becoming a great way for sports bettors and gambling experts to connect and communicate with their new and old gamblers. While reading books is one thing to do while improving your skills, podcasts can keep you updated with the latest trends in the gambling industry and provide quality gaming lessons. Here are some of the podcasts that can help you find a better edge in the bets and games.
Behind the Bets
Behind the Bets is a popular podcast in Vegas for covering all the major sports and esports books. The podcast features Doug Kezirian, who talks with several industry experts and sports bettors to give listeners some quick betting advice before every game. They also analyze past games and how their predictions worked out, and what they can do to improve their analytics. It is a really good learning platform for beginners who want to build a good portfolio from the beginning.
Against All Odds with Cousin Sal
Against All Odds with Cousin Sal is a fun online gambling guide and podcast that have content for the international audience. The podcast is fun and entertaining even when you are not trying to pay attention. Sal brings a variety of guests to his show who may or may not be the best experts in gambling. Sal discusses everyone’s experience in gambling to the newcomers get the idea of what they can expect while trying to make a career.
You Can Bet On That
This podcast is focused on people trying to broaden their gambling horizons as it speaks about the basic topics that you can also find the gambling books. The podcast started in 2012 and has been a success among serious gamblers since the beginning. It is hosted by Mark DeVol and Dr. Mike, who break down different concepts of gambling with the help of present game examples. It is especially a good podcast for those who love poker and want to learn how the pros played and their statistics in every match.
Gambling With an Edge
Gambling With an Edge offers interesting sessions with pro gamblers Bob Dancer and Richard Munchkin. It is a great choice for beginners and pros who want to go pro or improve in the world of gambling. You can explore hundreds of their episodes that talk about how you can improve your edge in different gamblers and sports betting. It is a perfect podcast for sports enthusiasts to take time and go through each of their podcasts to learn about the games. The podcasts generally have a third guest from the industry to give more insights on the games, adding more value to listeners’ content.